DJ Form
Hello again,
Please complete the steps below for a fast and effective way to communicate your event details
1. Communicate family, friends court names walking out & songs associated with each participant
2. Share music list
Step 1: Music List / Sharing - Start a Spotify account (FREE)
Create a favorites list and share the URL link below -
Step 2: Fill out the form below with relative information.
Step 3: Submit form
** Please Note: Any space with a URL Link request: Copy / Paste the YOUTUBE link in this space to give the DJ the exact version of the song you'd like for the appropriate task.
Please Complete all sections that apply to your event
*Please note: This form is "not" a legal contract, the responsibility of or any legal commitment with the web host company Paramount Memories - This is simply information to assist you and the DJ Company you hired. Contact Djloquisimo@gmail.com for any questions or concerns.