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Sweet 16 / Quinceanera DJ Form

Hello again,

Please complete the steps below for a fast and effective way to communicate your event details



1. Communicate family, friends court names walking out & songs associated with each participant

2. Share music list


Step 1: Music List / Sharing - Start a Spotify account (FREE)

Create a favorites list and share the URL link below - 


Step 2: Fill out the form below with relative information.


Step 3: Submit form 


** Please Note: Any space with a URL Link request: Copy / Paste the YOUTUBE link in this space to give the DJ the exact version of the song you'd like for the appropriate task. 

Spotify Logo - Download Free Vector PNG copy.png

Please Complete all sections that apply to your event

*Please note: This form is "not" a legal contract, the responsibility of or any legal commitment with the web host company Paramount Memories - This is simply information to assist you and the DJ Company you hired. Contact for any questions or concerns.  

Client & Event Information

Important information for the dj team

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